Singular Architecture

Singular Architecture_Pantheon_Architect and Interior Designer in Spain
Singular Architecture 2_Pantheon_Architect and Interior Designer in Spain
Singular Architecture 3_Pantheon_Architect and Interior Designer in Spain
Singular Architecture 4_Pantheon_Architect and Interior Designer in Spain
Singular Architecture_Pantheon_Architect and Interior Designer in Spain
Pantheon in Murcia by Amparo and Andres MartInez Vidal dezeen 468 20 | Singular Architecture
Pantheon in Murcia by Amparo and Andres MartInez Vidal dezeen 468 12 | Singular Architecture
Singular Architecture_Pavillion_Architect and Interior Designer in Spain
Singular Architecture_Expo Pavillion_Architect and Interior Designer in Spain
Singular Architecture_Expo Pavillion 3_Architect and Interior Designer in Spain
Singular Architecture_Expo Pavillion 3_Architect and Interior Designer in Spain

Pantheon for an Engineer: a challenging architectural project

This freelance work is published in Dezeen and another outstanding virtual architectural platforms. The concept was related to religion, which translates complex situations, polarising and placing them opposite in hell and heaven, two antagonistic ends. The purpose was to make difficult what was simple, and to turn what was sober into something innovative. Concrete doesn´t represent a load-bearing structure – this function is carried out by a steel framework concealed behind.

Murcia Pavillion M2O: Working for Typsa in Expo Zaragoza 2008

This pavilion represented the Region of Murcia and conveyed the existing need for water.
It was a representation of a water molecule on a large scale. The challenge was to create a completely dismantlable and transportable pavilion, later recoverable, with organic forms, and, of course, without using a single drop of water.